In this episode Andreas Andersson shows how to tie one of his own fantastic patterns – the Sid. In this case the mini version of a Sid. It has a very unique action in the water which will make both brown trout ,sea run brown trout and other predator fish go crazy.
Materials used:
- Hook: Ahrex TP650 26 degree Bent Streamer #1-1/0
- Glue: Zap brush on, Zap Gel, Gulff UV resin Thinman,
- Thread: UTC 140 Orange, Textreme Power thread 150D white
- Belly: Palmer Chenille medium in Pearl
- Head: Deer Belly hair Chartreuse
- Eyes: Epoxy Eyes 5,1mm Black / Pearl
- Tail: Tiger barred Magnum Rabbit Strips in Chartreuse/White
- Trim tool: Hareline Cautery