Well, everyone needs a good and simple dropper fly, no matter what’s your target, a dropper is usually never wrong. This is my favorite one at the moment and it is fast and easy and tangle-free, and as you can probably see, it has a lot of inspiration from Robert’s Predator dubbing baitfish. Tie it in the size that matches your hatch and tie it in natural and aggressive colors you will not be disappointed.
Materials used:
- Hook: Ahrex SA280 Minnow # 2-8 (4)
- Thread: Textreme Power thread 25 den white
- Tail: Bucktail – Fl. Orange and Black, Predator Dubbing – Black Hedron lateral scale thin in Mirage, 2 strands of Ripple ice in shrimp pink
- Body: Predator Dubbing Black and Flame
- Eyes: Fly Dressing Stick-On Eyes 3,9 mm – Fl.Red
- Superglue: Zap brush on
- UV resin: Gulff Thinman, Flexman and Fl.Red or Ambulance Red