This is one of Andreas Andersson’s nowadays classic patterns. The CF baitfish has caught large fish all over the world. A simple and fast pattern that is a fantastic baitfish imitation whether you are looking for seatrout or trout or why not big perch.
Materials used:
- Hook: SA220 #2-6
- Glue: Zap brush on, Gulff Thinman
- Thread: Textreme Power thread 25-50D – White
- Eyes: Epoxy Eyes 5,1 mm – Double oval pupil in Black and Pearl
- Tail: 2 rooster saddle hackles in white, Whiting American rooster saddle
- Wing: Bucktail – Fl. Blue, Lateral Scale Small– Mirage Opal and Flashabou Holograpic Red
- Head: Extra select craft fur in White and Medium dun Gray