Home / Products / Tools, Chemicals & Kits / Tying Tools / SMHAEN / Scissor Straight 4″ tungsten carbide – Fine blade/Blue color
Scissor Straight 4″ tungsten carbide – Fine blade/Blue color
The SMHAEN fly tying scissors is the only fly tying scissor on the market with a unique color system.
The scissor is one of the most important tools in your fly tying. This is also why most fly tiers always have a lot of different length and sizes in the tool caddy. A lot of different shapes on the scissors is on the market. The different scissor shapes has one of each purpose. Some scissors is for fine cutting of fibers, hair and wing materials. Others is for tougher and more rough materials and then you need scissors for cutting longer materials, materials like foam, latex or other different rib materials. Because of all this kind of purposes the scissors need to be very effective and useful. This is also the reasons that the SMHAEN scissors is made in different shapes and sizes. All scissors are made in the best material quality you can get on the market. The design on each scissor is made in a classic shape, for fly tying purposes with a unique color system for easier to pick the right scissor in the tool caddy when it is between al the other tools. All the scissors made with Tungsten carbide (TC) blades. This give you a more durable scissor than normal steel. And it gives you a extremely sharpness for a long time of use.
All SMHAEN scissors are made with micro serrated blades for better handling of a wide range of different soft and harder materials. All SMHAEN Scissors are made with large rings for easier and better grip handling. All SMHAEN scissors you can get in different shapes and length.
The scissors you can get in three different colors. each color diffane the scissors purpose. Blue color scissor is for cutting of thin and very fine materials. Red color scissors is for fine and medium rough materials. The green colored scissor is a more heavy designed scissor, this is for rough and longer materials
– Classic design for fly tying
– Perfectly balanced weight
– Unique color system
– Tungsten carbide blades
– Micro serrated blades
– Large rings for better grip handling
– Perfect hold in the hand
- 30-32 gram.
- 4″
- Type/shape, Micro tip scissor.
Scissor Straight 4″ tungsten carbide – Fine blade/Blue color
11 in stock (can be backordered)